Github desktop stage changes
Github desktop stage changes

github desktop stage changes github desktop stage changes

Github was developed for social coding (i.e., sort of like an open source Wikipedia for programmers). Instructors can also request a free organization account, “Request a discount”. You can sign up for the student account here.


If you are a student you can get the micro account which includes 5 private repositories for free (normally a $7/month value). It has many nice features to be able visualize differences between images, rendering & diffing map data files, render text data files, and track changes in text. Github is a website for storing your git versioned files remotely. xls), but free text differences are most easily visible (eg txt, csv, md). Git is a version control system that lets you track changes to files over time. 9.6 Clone to a new Rproject (Partner 2).9.5 Clone to a new Rproject (Partner 1).9.4 Give your collaborator administration privileges (Partner 1 and 2).9.3 Create a gh-pages branch (Partner 1).8.5 Conditional statements with if and else.

github desktop stage changes

  • 8.4.1 Thinking ahead: cleaning up our code.
  • 7.4 gather() data from wide to long format.
  • 7.3.2 load tidyverse (which has tidyr inside).
  • 6.16.1 Error: unexpected SPECIAL in " %>%".
  • 6.7 select() subsets data column-wise (variables).
  • 6.5 filter() subsets data row-wise (observations).
  • 6.3.2 Look at the variables inside a ame.
  • 6.2.2 load tidyverse (which has dplyr inside).
  • 5.2 Install our first package: tidyverse.
  • 4.11 Committing - how often? Tracking changes in your files.
  • 4.5 Clone your repository using RStudio.
  • 3.10.1 I entered a command and nothing’s happening.
  • 3.3.2 Logical operators and expressions.
  • 2.3 Learning with data that are not your own.

  • Github desktop stage changes