Speedtest windstream
Speedtest windstream


In wired communication, data transfer is secure because data is directly transferred via cable but installation takes more time than wireless broadband internet connection and it needs proper maintenance and initial cost is higher. I) Wired Broadband Internet Connection: In wired connection, the data is transfered via cable i.e traditional copper cable, fiber optic cable, twisted pair cable,etc. Both have merits and demerits in their own way. There are two types of broadband connections available to serve the internet those are wired broadband internet connection and wireless broadband internet connection. The fine speed of broadband internet connection may vary 100-200Mbps according to location, the purpose of using the Internet then the number of users sharing the bandwidth.


It provides a minimum 25Mbps download speed and 3Mbps upload speed with high quality signal transmission for communication. You can choose any one of them according to your internet usage,Bandwidth requirement, location and cost to get broadband internet service. Broadband internet, the name itself has its meaning broad means wider range so,wide bandwidth of data is transferred over a high speed internet service known as broadband internet.īroadband internet service is provided by using various technologies like DSL(Digital Subscriber Line), fiber optic communication, cable modem, satellite communication, Wi-Fi,WiMAX,4G internet service. Broadband internet is one of the internet connection types used to transmit a wider bandwidth of data from one end to another end at the highest speed.


Now we are all living in a speed world so we have to update our Internet with the most speedy one, the best option is a broadband internet connection.

speedtest windstream

It can be satisfied by using broadband internet connection, and also provide more secure data transmission. We have more technologies like DSL(Digital Subscriber Line), Cable connection, Fiber optic communication, and Satellite comīroadband internet service provides high speed internet access for communication with high quality like video conferencing, live streaming, online games needs high speed internet with good quality.

Speedtest windstream